Your Checklist for Your System and Organization Controls Audit

SOC 1 and SOC 2 readiness efforts commonly require six months to a year of work. Most companies require consultants to avoid the many landmines buried in the industry’s often opaque and esoteric SOC audit guidance. Depending on the company’s needs, a consultant can provide a range of services to include:

  • Preparing the description of the system.
  • Preparing the risk and control matrix.
  • Performing a gap analysis and providing related recommendations.
  • Assisting with implementing corrective actions.

Submit the form to the right to get your checklist to getting started on a SOC Audit without a consultant.

SOC Audit 101 Guide

Your Checklist for Your System and Organization Controls Audit

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Featured Insights

Keiter Technologies: How to Choose the Right SOC Auditor for Your Business

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Keiter Technologies: IT Processes to Implement in Your Business Practices

SOC Audit Types and Services

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Scott McAuliffe

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