By Keiter CPAs

The Elite: Keiter named as an IPA’s Best of the Best CPA Firms
We are excited to share that Keiter was recognized by INSIDE Public Accounting (IPA) as a 2024 Best of the Best CPA Firms in the nation.
In 1994, IPA began naming the top 50 Best of the Best CPA Firms, selected exclusively on their performance in specific key areas of management, growth, and strategic vision. The Best of the Best firms are some of the highest performing public accounting firms across North America.
CPA Firms of all sizes are eligible for the Best of the Best annual list. IPA’s proprietary scoring system removes imbalances that could be attributed to the size of the firm or its proximity to a major metropolitan area. This year, the Best of the Best selections were based on responses from 600 firms that participated in the IPA Practice Management Survey.
Keiter was among the Top 60 Firms within the “Best over $10 Million” category. The Firm was also the only firm based in Virginia, in that category. This recognition comes along side IPA’s listing of Keiter as a 125th largest CPA firm in the nation.
Excerpt from Inside Public Accounting Best of the Best:
“What all the Best of the Best have in common is a focus on operational and financial excellence. Leaders don’t get so caught up in the day-to-day routine that they overlook the basics of running a business and running it well. They watch their numbers and keep a steady eye on their growth goals, all while maintaining a positive work environment. Our list is designed to provide an even playing field to recognize the valuable work that drives our industry forward.”
About the Author
The information contained within this article is provided for informational purposes only and is current as of the date published. Online readers are advised not to act upon this information without seeking the service of a professional accountant, as this article is not a substitute for obtaining accounting, tax, or financial advice from a professional accountant.