By Keiter CPAs

From accounting intern to partner
The accounting internship that launched his career
When Andrew Sledd began the Keiter summer internship program in 2005, he did not expect it would lead him on a career path to partner. Keiter laid the foundation for Andrew to grow not only professionally but personally, providing him with relationships that fostered growth and development. The Keiter culture was very welcoming—a team of talented and sociable professionals. Although the team was comprised of individuals from diverse backgrounds and skill sets, the success of the firm was their common goal.
Andrew’s intern class consisted of four or five interns, a much smaller group than the current intern classes. He recalls working in the area known at the time as the “fishbowl,” a room with stained glass windows and cubicles for seating. The internship provided an opportunity to complete tasks typical of a first-year associate, equipping Andrew with technical knowledge and skills that benefited him in his later years at Keiter.
During his internship, he was introduced to both the tax and audit departments. It was the first year that CPAs were required to complete 150 credit hours, and Keiter agreed to hire Andrew part-time while he completed the requirements for his Master of Accountancy degree at Virginia Commonwealth University. In 2006, Andrew joined the Keiter team as a full-time audit associate.
Developing at Keiter through relationship building
In 2008, Andrew received his first promotion to senior associate. He has held a variety of positions at Keiter such as supervisor, manager, senior manager, and now partner. When he began, the work was very technical; however, as his career has developed, he dedicates more time to client relationships. Andrew shares, “I often tell interns that one of the most rewarding aspects of a career at Keiter is that as you move up, your job transforms. It becomes less technical and allows you to focus on building strong client relationships.”
Andrew’s success at Keiter was not accomplished alone. He states, “Keiter has a robust career development program that is instrumental in helping people develop their technical and leadership skills.” When Andrew started, he was introduced to the BAM (Buddy, Advocate, Mentor) program which is offered to all new team members. A buddy is a peer who helps in the first 3-6 months of a new role. An advocate, now referred to as a performance coach, evaluates performance and assists with identifying areas of improvement. Lastly, a mentor serves as an aspirational career guide.
Through the BAM program, Andrew had the opportunity to work with firm leaders, including Mike Gracik, Chris Wallace, and Carroll Hurst. These relationships were influential in his career growth at the firm. Andrew states, “They were willing to take me under their wing and assist me in reaching my career goals.”
Mike Gracik, current director and former managing partner, mentored Andrew when he started at Keiter. Mike has over 48 years of experience and is very respected in the Richmond community. Mike’s mentorship assisted Andrew in developing his own brand and leadership style. Chris Wallace, current audit partner and former audit department team leader, served as Andrew’s mentor when he became an audit manager. Chris introduced Andrew to the proposal writing process along with assisting him in developing his management skills.
When Andrew was promoted to partner, he collaborated with Carroll Hurst. Carroll was a founding partner of Keiter and is now a director at Keiter and Keiter Advisors. Andrew refers to Carroll as “the connector of people,” because of his ability to leverage the breadth and depth of his business and community relationships in order to assist his clients in reaching their goals. “It was inspiring to see how Carroll applies his over 30 years of experience in the industry in such a positive way,” Andrew states.
Andrew has built lifelong friendships at Keiter. “It’s great to come to work every day and collaborate with people you consider friends,” Andrew states. Outside of the office, he and his team members often enjoy outings and social events together.
A firm that values innovation
Aside from the culture, another aspect that makes Keiter stand out to Andrew is our core value of innovation. “Keiter is very innovative in providing opportunities for employees to work on their own terms. Even before the pandemic, our leading-edge technology and firm policies allowed us to work from home if a repair man was coming or a child was sick and home from school,” Andrew states. Andrew’s journey to partner would not have been possible without the Firm’s willingness to leverage technology and embrace new, and perhaps less traditional, ways to manage time to provide more work/life balance. Andrew was able to develop his career and spend time with his wife and four children along with enjoying his two favorite past-times music and football.
Andrew is proud of his career journey at Keiter and is thankful for the people and experiences that have shaped him along the way. He plans to continue his leadership role in the firm until his retirement.
Where will a career at Keiter take you? Start your journey now by learning about our internship opportunities and experienced positions.
About the Author
The information contained within this article is provided for informational purposes only and is current as of the date published. Online readers are advised not to act upon this information without seeking the service of a professional accountant, as this article is not a substitute for obtaining accounting, tax, or financial advice from a professional accountant.