Our leading-edge technology, coupled with our knowledge and industry-specific experience, allows us to perform your assurance services with unparalleled efficiency.

Our assurance engagements are successful because we pay close attention to the planning phase. We ask questions and present solutions that bring results clients appreciate.

Our professional goal and obligation is to provide assurance that your financial statements are accurate and reliable. We know you can find significant value when we simultaneously leverage your financial information along with our experience—applying both to assist you in maintaining an efficient, competitive, and profitable organization.

An audit results in the issuance of an opinion, based on generally accepted auditing standards, on the fairness with which the financial statements present financial position as well as results of operations and cash flows of the organization.

A review expresses limited assurance that there are no material modifications that should be made to the financial statements in order for them to conform with generally accepted accounting principles.

A compilation involves taking the client’s existing financial information and compiling it into financial statement formats. No opinion is expressed about the quality or validity of the financial information.

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Read More on Levels of Financial Assurance

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New FinREC Guidance for Employee Benefit Plans

The Importance of Financial Statement Audits and Reviews for CARF Accreditation

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Your Opportunity Advisors

Zac Blanco


Elizabeth Lewis


Richard Lewis

Partner, Assurance Practice Leader

Matt McDonald


Amy Menefee


Doug Nickerson


Brett Sinsabaugh


Andrew Sledd


Chris Wallace


Courtney Corallo

Business Assurance & Advisory Services Senior Manager

Rachel Gonner

Business Assurance & Advisory Services Senior Manager

Colin Hannifin

Business Assurance & Advisory Services Senior Manager

Mary Margaret Sword

Business Assurance & Advisory Services Senior Manager

Stephanie Collins

Business Assurance & Advisory Services Manager

Macy Irvin

Business Assurance & Advisory Services Manager

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