By Keiter CPAs

Students from 7 colleges introduced to careers in public accounting
The Keiter Externship is an immersive experience introducing students to Keiter, accounting career opportunities, and company culture. During the one-day program, college accounting majors have the opportunity to learn to navigate career fairs and the interviewing process, practice interviewing, build leadership and communication skills, as well as have their resume reviewed. This year, there were a total of 9 externship participants from 7 different colleges and universities.
2023 Externship program highlights
This year’s externs had a full day packed of meeting with associates and other members of the Firm. They started the day with a welcome from the Managing Partner Gary Wallace and Campus Recruiter Alanna Johnson. After breakfast and ice breakers, they were given an opportunity to attend a career fair planning session and another session with the marketing team on building their brand on LinkedIn. There was an associate panel where the externs listened to associates tell their stories and were able to ask questions. Externs received an overview of Keiter’s Valuation and Forensic Services (VFS) practice by Asif Charania, VFS Partner and Practice Leader. Externs were also able to engage with Keiter leadership during Partner panel discussion.
Finally, the extern participants were introduced to Richmond social life with Duck Pin bowling at The Park RVA. The externs were able to have some fun bowling and networking with one another.
Keiter’s Externship is a perfect introduction to public accounting for business, finance, or accounting majors who are exploring career options.
Find out more about Keiter’s Externship program here.
About the Author
The information contained within this article is provided for informational purposes only and is current as of the date published. Online readers are advised not to act upon this information without seeking the service of a professional accountant, as this article is not a substitute for obtaining accounting, tax, or financial advice from a professional accountant.